Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Week of Nesting...

Squirrels have the right idea this time of year. High on fresh nuts, they scramble around trees, through bushes, past my panting dog on this quest to prepare for coming months. Or perhaps they were ready months ago and are just frisky because they like this time of year. Who knows?

Something I do know is that I have the same impulses. Call it instinct, but I just want to organize, bake, clean, gather in some way. Cabinets should be crammed and cinnamon should lure us home. It's like an addiction, this autumn nesting. Much worse than spring fever, it sends me compulsively emptying drawers and tackling corners I've ignored for months.

Imagine yourself in the mind of a chipmunk who has just remembered first snow will be any day and realizes she isn't ready, and you'll be in my head. But only if you take out the panic and insert excitement. And multiply it a few times. Oh, and add in a couple shakes of nutmeg. That would be just right.

All this to say, I'm totally giving in to the urge. Today kicks off a week of autumn nesting in our home. I simply can't hold off any longer, and have made the space in our calendar. You can expect peeks into the results each day, and perhaps you would like to join us in your own space? Let's start with oatmeal...