Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Start...

Pictures have been hung. Books have been piled next to comfortable chairs. And my hair dryer has a home. I would say we have made a real start to putting our home together!

And then we had this really wonderful moment this morning, sitting on the stairs just outside the kitchen door. Aimée still in her nightgown, hair glistening. My robe pulled close, even Andrew still had on pjs, and that somehow made it even better. Because for the first time we made enough steamed milk for our lattes to whip in a little sugar and cinnamon for Aimée's mug. She couldn't keep her little lips away from the edge, hands imitating my own. If I had known such delicious joy existed I would have dreamed of it.

The plans for this next week are still in process, but I'm looking forward to making a sheer curtain for the kitchen door, choosing more recent pictures for some frames and making magic in the medicine cabinet. I won't speak before my proverbial eggs are hatched, but I have an awesome Pinterest idea for the latter. Pictures soon to come!